Intense and metal as hell!
1 October 2017
The Devil's Candy is a movie about a family that consists of a couple and a teenage daughter who move into a new house. Father and daughter are really into metal, father is also a painter and it's like he gets possessed when he's painting and he paints all this nightmarish imagery. There's also this creepy man who kills children that starts stalking the daughter and basically, it gets a bit messy.

The main problem with this movie is that the plot just doesn't come together well. The possession part completely takes a backseat (even though it was shown a lot) and is never really explained, so we have a story about a family being stalked by this very creepy satanist serial killer who kills kids and thinks he sends them for the devil. It's like two plots and one unfolds while the other one is just kinda left hanging in the air. There could have been more, but there wasn't and it doesn't really hold up well.

That's a pretty big flaw, but I liked everything else about the movie. It was well directed and very, very intense. I'm talking biting your nails kind of intense. It also has some sudden very disturbing moments that might be a bit too disturbing to some, but that's a win for the movie. I was surprised by how little gore this movie contained, but still it manages to shock so much in certain moments, so props to the director. The acting was also one of the best I've seen in indie horror movies for a while and it really helped bring us closer to the characters (father and daughter in particular). I wasn't prepared for how good the acting actually was. And also, the movie is pretty stylish and I felt that the director really brought that sense of a nightmare. And if you like metal, that's a good enough reason alone to watch this. The soundtrack and some of the themes are a metal-head's wet dream. And while I'm not a complete metal-head, I'm quite fond of metal and I must say that I really enjoyed those aspects of the movie.

So, this movie might have had a weak script, but it was saved by good directing and strong performances.
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