Review of Back

Back (2017– )
Don't expect Peep Show, it's different
4 October 2017
Just because it's written by Blackwell (writer for Peep Show) and stars Mitchell and Webb, don't expect this to be a Peep Show spin off - lot's of people I've spoken to did, and so got put off when they found out it was a different programme, with different characters, different humour and a different story.

I watched the first episode as I was intrigued into this new story by the Peep Show team, but I knew to be open minded and didn't expect to see Mitchell playing a Mark Corrigan and Webb playing a Jeremy Usbourne.

Instead what you have is a very intriguing piece of comedy drama. I've only seen up until the 4th episode, and I've heard the 5th is we where get all the pay offs and where it gets much darker.

The drama is really clever, to be fair, and unexpectedly dramatic from a sitcom writer and a sitcom duo. There are certainly very funny moments, especially at the end of episode 1 and there were some very funny moments in episode 4, with it being reminiscent of the Mark/Jez conversations of Peep Show, EXCEPT in reverse. Andrew (Webb's character) seems to be an almost perfect foster son, he's a world traveller with a clear mind, good intentions, a cultured palate and wants to live his life the best way. Stephen (Mitchell) whilst still a rule-abiding citizen, over-thinker like Mark Corrigan is more mystified by the world around him, and more of a drinker, and sometimes needs Andrew to dodge some bullets for him (it was the other way round sometimes in Peep Show).

To summarise, don't judge this show at all based off Peep Show. It's not the same, and should be judged by it's own storytelling and merits, and by all factors its been very good so far. I'm about to watch the rest of the episodes, and I feel like all this drama and these questions the audience has are about to be answered (or maybe not).

Give it a try
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