The original "Big Bang Theory," 1980s style
7 October 2017
I suppose this isn't exactly a Slobs vs. Snobs comedy, but it follows the same basic premise with loser nerds setting up their own fraternity in opposition to the jock fraternity hegemony. It's really nerds vs. jocks, but the film follows the same basic underdogs versus ruling class story structure. Although the comedy formula is familiar, it did have an original take on social class with it's nerds vs. jocks storyline. The film drips of 1980s from the soundtrack to ridiculous looking robots to some pretty awful stereotypes of Asians and gay men. For a supremely crass comedy, the film does boast a strong cast that includes Robert "Django" Carradine, Anthony "Top Gun" Edwards, Timothy "The West Wing" Busfield, Curtis "Moonlighting" Armstrong, James "Babe" Cromwell, John "Monsters, Inc." Goodman, Bernie "Hit Man" Casey, and Ted "Love Boat" McGinley (okay, McGinley doesn't count as strong casting, but he is funny). You also get a terrific 1980s style Thomas Newman score, which I loved. My bold statement regarding the film is that without "Revenge of the Nerds" we may never have gotten "Big Bang Theory." Overall, this film is comic fluff, crass, and completely disreputable, but it's also nostalgically quite enjoyable for anyone who grew up in the 80s. If a pretty sorority girl screaming "A nerd saw me naked!" seems like comic gold, you'll probably enjoy watching "Revenge of the Nerds."
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