Gunpowder (2017)
Almost a follow up in repercussions to Wolf Hall
22 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
If anyone watched Wolf Hall, they should watch this. The religious fallout from Henry VIII breaking with the Church of Rome led to one of the bloodiest periods in our islands history. Catholics were hunted down and butchered mercilessly by Protestant zealots who were no better than witch finders. Even today, many 15th and 16th century homes in England have 'priest holes' where priests would hide if disturbed performing an illegal Catholic Mass. Yet in truth, it shaped our country, and conversely, it also helped to establish the United States. What a shame to see Sian Webber (Lady Dorothy) dispatched so early on. I'll be interested to see how Liv Tyler pans out, I suspect pretty good. I'll probably add to this review as I've only seen one very good episode, but I will say this. The acting, scenes, directing and script are top notch. If people complain about the execution scenes, don't watch them. England was a bloody place to live then, but through the reformation and our own religious revolution, we found ourselves and our identity in the world. I would have to rate this drama series very very highly indeed.
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