Yes Eric Banna did a brilliant Chopper Read, and yes it was a brilliant film. What was floored in that film was a lot of artistic liberties that were taken that even Read himself condemned. If yiu watch some interviews with him you will see him say for example that the potrayal of Tanya as a junkie was untrue.
Mark "Chopper" Read was a man of myth, contradiction and folk law. This potrayal of a series of events in his life not focused on in the film presents the cerebral side to the man and the enigmatic and complex manner that was the split personality almost that was Mark and that was Chopper.
Give this a chance, watch a few interviews with Read and approach this with an open mind and you may just enjoy it. I did.
Review of Underbelly Files: Chopper
Underbelly Files: Chopper
Forget the Chopper film as brilliant as it was, and give this a chance.
15 February 2018