Another Entry Into The Found Footage Genre
25 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is clearly a hoax. And utterly implausible. So this man makes two serious attempts at killing himself, and then...just stops? He even gets stumbling drunk and doesn't attempt to kill himself again? He then makes friends with the detective guy, gets drunk again, appears to be having an okay time, then literally runs away once the jig is up like a little kid who can't have ice cream? The funniest scene is the detective chasing him all over the desert like a monty python skit. Then, the detective is all dumbfounded when he gets to the edge of the cliff, only to find that the man jumped to his death, but instead of falling straight down he appears to have sailed out 400 yards. Some leaping skills.

I knew this was fake after the sex scene. Legally, you'd have to get permission from this woman. Fine. They got permission. Then...no interviews? No pictures? Not to mention that this guy was a total weirdo who filmed everything. You're telling me the filmmakers couldn't convince her into handing over more material? Furthermore, the entire move contains...three mins? Five mins tops of "archival" footage?

The detective guy. For the life of me I could not figure out what the hell he was trying to do with his accent. Or, if that was just his accent. It sounded like he was trying to do a southern drawl. It was atrocious. Then, it dawned on me, he sounded like Mr. Garrison from South Park. Then, he keeps making the point "I can't call the cops." Ummm...yeah, actually you can. No, they wont arrest him, but they'll intervene. Furthermore, while only the audience has the knowledge of his suicide attempts, a logical person would assume that at the very least he is having a nervous breakdown and at the very worst is suicidal. All you have to do is mention the words "suicide" and the cops will show up to intervene.

I hate movies that have to rely on a gimmick (Fargo). Even the ending "based on a true story" had so many qualifiers that it could have applied to a story that my grandmother heard about her neighbor's boss's nephew's friend's sister's husband who killed himself. Bogus.
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