I am a young adult and I am not the target audience for this film
26 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
But I know exactly who the target audience is.

This is alarmist propaganda targeted towards members of the older generation who no longer have their fingers on the pulse of the younger generation.

Yes, people like the people depicted in the film exist. Yes, people exist who have attitudes like the people depicted in the film. But the film lies the second it tries to tell you that this is the norm. It lies when it makes sweeping statements about the attitudes, behaviors and culture of our youth. Statements irreverent of context and proportion. The worst thing you could do is let this documentary inform your opinion of the younger generations and the culture they inhabit.

Explain to me how a snapshot of a beach festival over spring break is a valid litmus test for the sexual behaviors and attitudes of an entire generation comprised of millions of people?

I am 22. I have been to three different colleges/universities in different cities. Since high school I have been to hundreds of house parties, pub crawls, nightclubs, etc. I was on tinder through most of those years. Guess what? Most of the behaviors and attitudes depicted in this film are still looked down on. "Sexual liberation" is a lot more nuanced than this film will have you believe. Sleeping with a girl five minutes after meeting her is not encouraged or commonplace in the least. Most people still view that as pretty disgusting.

I have serious doubts regarding the authenticity of the people interviewed. Not only are some of them acting, but some of them have seemingly been fed lines that align with the bias of the interviewer.

This documentary will have you believe that this is the culture you are sending your children towards. If I had a kid going to university, and I didn't know better, this documentary would terrify me. The man in the beginning coerced the woman into having sex with him. It's horrible. But unlike what the film says, no, this isn't representative of the culture as a whole. To believe that is to characterize an entire generation based on the actions of a group that isn't even close to a majority.

A beach festival really isn't a microcosm of the attitudes, and actions of the youth in the west.
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