Seagal stopped trying after Exit Wounds
It looks as though all it takes to get him to sign on for one of these straight to DVD disasters is a decent budget for a buffet where he can contribute to his ever expanding waistline
The money spent on catering for this mess obviously detracted from his wig budget, as his frizzy mullet is sadly neglected.
Half his lines are clearly and poorly dubbed, and the lines he did deliver are breathless from the effort required to keep himself from falling over
The most amusing aspect of Seagal is the flattering and svelte pictures of him that grace the DVD covers
It looks as though all it takes to get him to sign on for one of these straight to DVD disasters is a decent budget for a buffet where he can contribute to his ever expanding waistline
The money spent on catering for this mess obviously detracted from his wig budget, as his frizzy mullet is sadly neglected.
Half his lines are clearly and poorly dubbed, and the lines he did deliver are breathless from the effort required to keep himself from falling over
The most amusing aspect of Seagal is the flattering and svelte pictures of him that grace the DVD covers