Batman Unlimited Monster Mayhem: More kiddie family Batman action
27 December 2017
Alike Batman Unlimited: Animal Instincts we see Batman and various other DC heroes facing off against another random villian team up in very kiddie friendly action set in a futuristic alternate universe.

This time The Joker leads Scarecrow, Silver Banshee, Solomon Grundy & Clayface in a plot to take over the world using a virus that renders electronic devices useless.

Much alike the first this is not a diehard Batman outing and more like a feature length Saturday morning cartoon. It however does have it's moments and is take your brain out entertainment at it's core.

One thing that does always bother me is Solomon Grundy, I adore the character he's freakin awesome so why is it that everytime he's in one of these things he's the comedic relief?

Batman Unlimited is one for the kids and one for huge Batman fans, but nobody in between.

The Good:

Batman rides a mechnical dinosaur, enough said

The Bad:

Why do they always make Solomon Grundy a comedy character?

Very "Kiddie"

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

I don't remember Clayface being able to do half of that

Solomon Grundy should be ripping heads off not eating ice cream and playing hide and seek *Sadface*
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