Irrational behaviour in the face of danger
5 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
There are some spoilers in here, but I try to keep the details somewhat non-specific.

Everyone behaves as dumb and illogical as possible; one evening they decide on a raid "farther than designated range" -- the next day. Apparently "farther" means either 12 hours driving or they did start in the afternoon because soon as they have some motor trouble with one of their two Humvees, the sun sets. Still, after some scare, they get to the hospital, where they go spelunking into the hospital, at night. They find the antibiotics they're after, while moving out the heroine goes off on her own to her old lab to collect some photographs, gets a bit ambushed, shoots a bit so every other "rotter" now knows they're there, and of course they loose somebody. Also, they import the heroines old stalker (under a car, because they didn't check), which now stalks everyone in their previously safe bunker. If there's something suspicious going on, like noises in the aid ducts or blood dripping from somewhere, of course you're going to investigate it, alone, without anyone else even knowing where you are. After capturing the stalker, nobody is looking for several missing people the stalker already got before. Collecting other rotters for comparative samples is of course also something you do best at night. And then you realize that one person just is not heavy enough to hold a fence gate against 30 rotters...

It's a massacre.
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