The Return of the Native (1994 TV Movie)
Thomas Hardy classic
6 January 2018
In 1994, Catherine Zeta-Jones sealed her fate to forever play the bad girl. She starred in two television adaptations of very famous novels, Catherine Cookson's The Cinder Path and Thomas Hardy's The Return of the Native. In the latter, she plays the bewitching village outcast whose power over men is so great the townspeople think she's a witch. She enjoys toying with their emotions, but soon learns the consequences of her actions.

With a large supporting cast of Clive Owen, Steven Mackintosh, Joan Plowright, Celia Imrie, Ray Stevenson, and Claire Skinner, The Return of the Native is a must-see for fans of historical romances. Keep in mind that it comes from a Thomas Hardy novel, so it'll be a little depressing. There's also some strange elements included in the story, like the alleged witchery and the constant red pigment to Steven Mackintosh's skin-which is explained better in the book.

It's difficult to hate Catherine because she's so beautiful, and at times during the sad story, you'll even feel sorry for her. She, Ray, Steven, and Joan give great performances, tugging at your heart and making you want more when the movie's over. While this one isn't my favorite sweeping historical drama-Thomas Hardy stories are just too sad for me-it's a very famous one to add to your list if you like that genre.
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