I am basing my review on what my 3 boys ages, 10, 11 and 13 said about the movie. They enjoyed it (they also saw Max). I didn't even realize it was a sequel (which based on the trivia section, it's not really a sequel). While they were watching it in the car, I heard lots of laughter (good sign). The best recommendation for this movie is that they immediately asked me after it was finished "Can you get Max 3 if it exists?"
They usually have good tastes when it comes to movies. But to give you an idea where their tastes are, they loved Princess Bride, Hero Factory and Mr. Bean. They were not impressed with the BFG, Where the Wild Things Are or Field of Dreams (they don't play baseball).
They usually have good tastes when it comes to movies. But to give you an idea where their tastes are, they loved Princess Bride, Hero Factory and Mr. Bean. They were not impressed with the BFG, Where the Wild Things Are or Field of Dreams (they don't play baseball).