A lot of people think this is basedon the Jim Jones famous cult massacre but its actually based on the Hale Bop comet cult and its actually a true cult who poisoned each other with an apple pie special over 3 days as they believed aliens were coming to transport them to another world - how some people can fall for these cults is beyond me but it makes for fascinating viewing.
Thomas Jane was utterly superb and worth renting just to watch his scenes and reminds me of David Koresh another cult nutjob. Jessica Alba was just a bit of fluff on a stick and could have been substituted with any actress! I quite like cult type movies and there haven't been many lately!
It is a bit slow but there are some real jump scares - I messed ma pontaloons on at least 3 occasions so its not without its scares.
Overall though its pretty standard fair but worth a watch if you are a horror fan!
Thomas Jane was utterly superb and worth renting just to watch his scenes and reminds me of David Koresh another cult nutjob. Jessica Alba was just a bit of fluff on a stick and could have been substituted with any actress! I quite like cult type movies and there haven't been many lately!
It is a bit slow but there are some real jump scares - I messed ma pontaloons on at least 3 occasions so its not without its scares.
Overall though its pretty standard fair but worth a watch if you are a horror fan!