What about the kids in San Francisco???!!!
24 April 2018
When the story begins, you are introduced to a nice older woman, Arabella, and her boyfriend who, unlike her, hates kids. Naturally, you know that they gang will end up driving this snooty guy crazy!

Early in the story, Sammy is out trying to shine shoes for extra change. But business is not great...and he comes up with the idea of surreptitiously putting whitewash on folks' shoes so they'll want his services! It is a very funny bit and goes into overdrive when his little brother, Farina, helps!

Later, a group of kids who ran away from hope are caught by the police. They need to be escorted by to their homes in San Francisco. But they don't wanna go AND the gang DOES....so they switch places. Guess who their chaperone is? Yep, the snooty guy who hates kids...and boy, do they make him AND everyone else aboard the train miserable!

This one has a lot of laughs. The only part that fell flat was the end...when the Our Gang kids were in San Francisco...presumably for good! The story abruptly ends and what happens next is never mentioned...which is pretty odd!
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