Two recurrent entities share this particular Star Trek TNG episode. John DeLancie
the scamp of the Universe known as Q whisks Patrick Stewart away from the
Enterprise for a bit of heart to heart. He warns them of unknown and unimaginable dangers and when Captain Picard is back on the Enterprise, DeLancie hurls the Enterprise 7000 light years away where they encounter the
relentless and monolithic Borg for the first time.
It's quite an encounter with this square shaped space ship handled by a crew of half carbon based humanoids and half robotic all part of the same mind and obeying one will. All the Borg want is technology. To try it, absorb it and absorb those who have it in their singular collective.
This was the first of many encounters with the Borg in this and subsequent Star Trek franchise series. Memorable it is.
It's quite an encounter with this square shaped space ship handled by a crew of half carbon based humanoids and half robotic all part of the same mind and obeying one will. All the Borg want is technology. To try it, absorb it and absorb those who have it in their singular collective.
This was the first of many encounters with the Borg in this and subsequent Star Trek franchise series. Memorable it is.