I admit it, I'm not exactly a Thor fan. I think the first two Thor feature films were passable efforts but paled in comparison to other heroes outings. For this reason I went in expecting a whole lot of meh!
Now Ragnarok was critically acclaimed, I never heard a bad thing about it despite the fact that I wasn't blown away by the trailer at all.
So with a new Thor outing, sprinkles of Planet Hulk and more humour than usual (Especially from Thor) how'd I think it did?
From the opening moments with Thor swinging from a chain awkwardly rotating as he's trying to have a conversation I was gripped. This wasn't the dull boring stoic Thor we'd grown to accept, this guy was cracking of the wise and I was laughing by buttocks off.
Cate Blanchett delivers as Hela like I never expected she'd manage, Jeff Goldblum is excellent in a role he felt almost born for and the entire thing is one joke filled roller coaster ride that I enjoyed considerably more than I expected to.
Did all the comedy diminish the impact of the Marvel Universe? Oddly not, it fit in perfectly even when a serious moment was underlined with a goofy slapstick laugh.
Kudos to Marvel once again, so far out of every single MCU movie I've only disliked 2 and for a harsh critic like me that's really something.
So much fun, so many laughs and has freshened up a character that in this guys opinion was getting a bit stale. Damn good job.
The Good:
Cast do a great job
Genuinely funny stuff
The Bad:
Could have done more with the Planet Hulk story arc
Things I Learnt From This Movie:
This is where Hulk and Thor were during Civil War!!!!
Immigrant Song just makes any scene better
It's probably best Jaimie Alexander (Lady Sif) couldn't be part of the film
Hulk talking is weird, confusing and please make it stop
Now Ragnarok was critically acclaimed, I never heard a bad thing about it despite the fact that I wasn't blown away by the trailer at all.
So with a new Thor outing, sprinkles of Planet Hulk and more humour than usual (Especially from Thor) how'd I think it did?
From the opening moments with Thor swinging from a chain awkwardly rotating as he's trying to have a conversation I was gripped. This wasn't the dull boring stoic Thor we'd grown to accept, this guy was cracking of the wise and I was laughing by buttocks off.
Cate Blanchett delivers as Hela like I never expected she'd manage, Jeff Goldblum is excellent in a role he felt almost born for and the entire thing is one joke filled roller coaster ride that I enjoyed considerably more than I expected to.
Did all the comedy diminish the impact of the Marvel Universe? Oddly not, it fit in perfectly even when a serious moment was underlined with a goofy slapstick laugh.
Kudos to Marvel once again, so far out of every single MCU movie I've only disliked 2 and for a harsh critic like me that's really something.
So much fun, so many laughs and has freshened up a character that in this guys opinion was getting a bit stale. Damn good job.
The Good:
Cast do a great job
Genuinely funny stuff
The Bad:
Could have done more with the Planet Hulk story arc
Things I Learnt From This Movie:
This is where Hulk and Thor were during Civil War!!!!
Immigrant Song just makes any scene better
It's probably best Jaimie Alexander (Lady Sif) couldn't be part of the film
Hulk talking is weird, confusing and please make it stop