gorgeous and stupid
24 May 2018
In What Lives Inside, a puppeteer's son finds himself magically transported into a strange, beautiful world of balloon trees and magical creatures.

The series, which is really a short film chopped into four pieces, is simply excuse for creating a gorgeous fantasy world. Unfortunately, the only goals for WLI are that it look pretty and prominently feature Dell's tablet. No one was interested in a solid script.

It begins alright, as the protagonist wanders in and out of this world. but once it comes time to explain why, the series hits a whole series of cliches and sappy exposition that telegraphs the finale. Rather than build up its themes slowly and then put them all together into something surprising and meaningful, we just get a bunch of light comedy and special effects for the first half and a bunch of trite nonsense you've seen done better hundreds of times.

My recommendation; watch the first episode or two just to see the pretty scenery and then just stop.
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