A show only an idiot could like
1 June 2018
This is a clear rip-off of Malcolm in the Middle (which I actually liked, as other posters here stated as well). Anyone who can't understand this is simply stupid. Three of the writers of MIM were behind this farce; Matthew Carlson, Andy Bobrow and Michael Glouberman, as well as 2 of MIM's directors, Todd Holland and Peter Lauer. And to drive this point home, Justin Berfield (whom I actually respected before this) was the Executive Producer here. Justin in fact proves to the world that you simply cannot regurgitate a formula (i.e. 3 brothers against adults) and expect it to work just because a previous hit used it. And sadly, Justin just couldn't resist a spot in FRONT of the camera in the last episode, playing some obnoxious neighbor who everyone is instantly supposed to revile...even though there was no set-up or motivation to do so before this episode...which means it doesn't work. With all disrespect to the brain-dead, clueless wannabe "film critic" here whom no one has ever heard of, listens to or cares about in any way, this mess could only be appreciated by someone too stupid to understand the difference between good and bad comedy.
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