SPOILER: Look, It doesn't take long to realize that while dated visually, There's something there. There's a reason people respond to it so well and think of it so highly. Upstate Story delivers a message that we are all familiar with in a way and I think that is the driving force behind it.
But, and I still stand firm on this point, I disagree with the ending. The character steps into his home after finishing the work week and we are transported to the magically land of color where we get to meet...his children. It genuinely threw me through a loop. While I understand it as a kind of saving grace after the mundane work week, There was just no set up for it. Not a single piece of dialogue used to even hint at it and that is where I dock points, good sir.
But, and I still stand firm on this point, I disagree with the ending. The character steps into his home after finishing the work week and we are transported to the magically land of color where we get to meet...his children. It genuinely threw me through a loop. While I understand it as a kind of saving grace after the mundane work week, There was just no set up for it. Not a single piece of dialogue used to even hint at it and that is where I dock points, good sir.