Zatoichi Meets the One-Armed Swordsman is the twenty-second entry in the Japanese franchise about the blind masseur, skilled swordsman and lowly yakuza. This creative movie is a Hong Kong-Japanese cooperation with one director, one genre and one protagonist from each country. The story revolves around a Chinese swordsman who has recently arrived in Japan who meets a family of Chinese artists consisting of a father, a mother and a boy. The boy accidentally disturbs the procession of a local clan when his kite flies away. The pitiless yakuza attack the boy. The parents try to protect him but are brutally slain just as all witnesses on the road. The boy is however saved by the Chinese swordsman. They meet Zatoichi on their way who decides to help them but the language barrier makes communication quite complicated. Things turn sour when the three are helped out by a family of farmers but quickly discovered by the raging yakuza. The family's parents are slain, the daughter gets tortured and the Chinese swordsman and the boy must go into hiding in a temple. Zatoichi was on his way to get some information about the samurai and some water for his companions during the massacre. The Chinese swordsman now wrongfully believes Zatoichi betrayed him and the farmer's daughter also holds an unjustified grudge against the blind swordsman. Zatoichi needs to clear his name, fight the yakuza mob and save the farmer's daughter as well as the Chinese swordsman and the orphan boy.
There are numerous elements that make this movie stand out as one of the very best entries in the franchise. First of all, the combination of Hong Kong and Japanese cinema is fantastic. Perfectly choreographed sword fights meet elegant martial arts combats. The fight sequences are beautiful to watch but also include some bloody and brutal elements here and there to spice things up efficiently. The movie almost equally uses Japanese chambara and Chinese wu xia techniques. The two protagonists are also very famous in their respective countries and represent how seemingly disadvantaged outsiders can rise to heroism. Zatoichi and Wang Kang could be described as soulmates which makes their fates even more tragic. Secondly, the movie has a very strong message. If you overcome the language barrier, you will realize how close people actually are. The film promotes a message of communication, cooperation and respect. Thirdly, the movie also has an intriguing story as it deals with topics such as authority, distrust and manipulation. There are a lot of betrayals and conspiracies happening throughout the film that keep it very interesting until the very end. Few movies in the franchise have such a fluid pace and are entertaining to watch from start to finish without any lengths.
There really isn't much to criticize about this movie that should appeal to chambara and wu xia collectors and fans alike. The supporting characters could have been a little bit more fleshed out but that's the only element that could have been improved.
Overall, Zatoichi Meets the One-Armed Swordsman is a highlight in the Zatoichi franchise and will please fans of old date as much as those who are rather fans of the Shaw Brothers character. This movie combines Chinese and Japanese cultures perfectly. In addition to being highly entertaining, this film has a positive message that still matters nowadays. This movie has therefore aged very well but also has the classic structure of a Zatoichi movie that fans like so much. This film is equally innovative and traditional which makes it particularly enjoyable. Zatoichi Meets the One-Armed Swordsman should appeal to a wide audience and deserves more acclaim and attention that it has gotten so far. While the combination of Zatoichi and Yojimbo a year earlier was a mismatch, the combination of Zatoichi and Wang Gang is a perfect match. Give it a try!
There are numerous elements that make this movie stand out as one of the very best entries in the franchise. First of all, the combination of Hong Kong and Japanese cinema is fantastic. Perfectly choreographed sword fights meet elegant martial arts combats. The fight sequences are beautiful to watch but also include some bloody and brutal elements here and there to spice things up efficiently. The movie almost equally uses Japanese chambara and Chinese wu xia techniques. The two protagonists are also very famous in their respective countries and represent how seemingly disadvantaged outsiders can rise to heroism. Zatoichi and Wang Kang could be described as soulmates which makes their fates even more tragic. Secondly, the movie has a very strong message. If you overcome the language barrier, you will realize how close people actually are. The film promotes a message of communication, cooperation and respect. Thirdly, the movie also has an intriguing story as it deals with topics such as authority, distrust and manipulation. There are a lot of betrayals and conspiracies happening throughout the film that keep it very interesting until the very end. Few movies in the franchise have such a fluid pace and are entertaining to watch from start to finish without any lengths.
There really isn't much to criticize about this movie that should appeal to chambara and wu xia collectors and fans alike. The supporting characters could have been a little bit more fleshed out but that's the only element that could have been improved.
Overall, Zatoichi Meets the One-Armed Swordsman is a highlight in the Zatoichi franchise and will please fans of old date as much as those who are rather fans of the Shaw Brothers character. This movie combines Chinese and Japanese cultures perfectly. In addition to being highly entertaining, this film has a positive message that still matters nowadays. This movie has therefore aged very well but also has the classic structure of a Zatoichi movie that fans like so much. This film is equally innovative and traditional which makes it particularly enjoyable. Zatoichi Meets the One-Armed Swordsman should appeal to a wide audience and deserves more acclaim and attention that it has gotten so far. While the combination of Zatoichi and Yojimbo a year earlier was a mismatch, the combination of Zatoichi and Wang Gang is a perfect match. Give it a try!