Hugh Jackman Singing and Dancing. Need I say more?
7 April 2018
I have watched this film approximately twenty or more times. That is in no way an exaggeration and I may be low-calling it. Sometimes, I just have it on in the background while I work out or in the morning or while getting ready for work or I play it while cooking in the evening.

On a couple of occasions, I've even caught my boyfriend humming the tunes. To say the songs stick with you, is an understatement.

In fact, we've listened and watched it so much, that on every 20th Century Fox Movie "opening" sequence on any and all other subsequent 20th Century Fox movies we've watched, I automatically think of this one, and I am half expecting to see and hear the "Ah, ah, ahhh, ahh ..." and Hugh Jackman with his low "Ladies and Gents . . . ". Besides having a catchy and moving soundtrack, the film itself is a wonder to look at. The cinematography is beautiful, the costumes are well-done, and again, come on: HUGH JACKMAN singing and dancing. What could be better?

Well, for one, not better, but almost as great, is Rebecca Ferguson as Jenny Lind. The lady is gorgeous, and while she actually doesn't sing her rendition of "Never Enough" (Loren Allred does), the passion and zeal she brings to her onstage performance, is one for the books. I could literally (and have) replay that one scene over and over. Zac Efron and Hugh Jackman also have a duet which is fun and witty and very creatively done.

The only reason I did not give it a "10", is probably an unpopular view, and I know I will amass a hugh (not a typo :)) number of thumbs down, but oh well: I did not care for Zendaya AT ALL. I think she was so very miscast. I do not think she looked pretty in the film (although after filming, I saw her giving a couple of interviews and she looked beautiful); I thought she had absolutely zero chemistry with Zac Efron; and lastly, both her acting and her voice are like chalk grating on a blackboard to me. I think Logan Browning would have been cuter in the role. That's just me though, although it did affect my thoughts on the film and my score.

All in all, WATCH IT if you have not yet done so. It is beautiful to look at and a (modern) masterpiece to the ears.
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