Ryse: Son of Rome (2013 Video Game)
Awesome game and not worth its low rating.
12 April 2018
I personally love this game. The graphics are 5yrs old now but I dare you to tell the difference from a game made today, yes Forza 5,6 or Forza horizons 2,3 do come close but wow this game still stands the rest of time. The shading, the backgrounds and the attention to detail of the characters and voice movements is an easy point as to the intention to make this a stand out game for the Xbox One when it released. Yes, the gameplay is lacking and the hack and slice use of the controller buttons does get boring and repetitive but is equally replaced with the gory dispatching of foes in your wake. The story is well done and the mystical element gives it a different angle to most Roman stories. Apart from the story being a little segmented at times but it does hold your thought and sometimes just feels like a movie that you're part of playing instead of just a game. I know that these days the game can be picked up for next to nothing but yet I still don't have an qualms about having paid full price for it. Basically if you see it at a great price pick it up, you won't be disappointed.
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