A Movie That Will Stay With You Forever
18 July 2018
I got lucky you might say and saw this on ABC TV (No Ads) late at night in the late 80's while living in a very small country town. Luckily I taped it on VHS and watched it quite a few times before the tape gave out.

This is one of those movies that you will either love or hate and if you loved it like I did it will stay with you forever.

Getting a good copy of it now is very difficult and I have had to make do with a really crappy copy. Even the DVD copy that was released is not all that good to watch.

One of the very best Jan-Micheal Vincent movies I have seen, and the one movie that I remember him for most even though he made quite a few good movies in the 70's.

Also Robert Englund's very first movie before he went onto bigger and perhaps better things and one of Pamela Sue Martin's early movies before her best known role in Dynasty.

A very sad movie that I have had the pleasure of watching more than once.
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