Is this an Andy Kaufman joke on the audience or a real series? It is supposedly a TV pilot from the seventies about a couple who have an "old" robot that breaks down all the time. This is Kaufman and the show is set in 2055 and has a lot of jokes about present day 1970s. The male of the couple wants to sell Andy because he breaks down all the time and drops trays of dishes etc. Also he runs an antique store that has stuff from the seventies in it and he's wrong about what all the stuff is used for etc. He thinks a toilet is art, stuff like that. Also Andy works with him at the store polishing ladders and wrapping customers' purchases etc very poorly, so it makes no sense why he would have this robot with him at work let alone at home where he also just breaks stuff and makes snarky comments. They get a new robot and put Andy up for sale, yada yada the show makes no sense and has the worst theme song in the history of TV.