'Eating Animals', is a documentary co-produced and narrated by Natalie Portman that chronicles the obstacles that several farmers across the country have in holding on to the traditions of individual farming in light of the predominant industry farming such as Tyson, Perdue, etc. Now know this...I adore beef, pork, chicken but the movie brought home to me two major facts that might actually change (baby steps!!) the way I either a) purchase meats and/or b) reduce the amount of meat I consume. Why? Well, like all good documentaries, 'Eating Animals' enlightened and educated me. Sure, I already knew that if confronted with images and knowledge of the living conditions, antibiotic use, and callous deaths, of these respective animals, I would cringe. But the movie brings up a good point-I might SAY that's inhumane, but by continuing to buy and eat then I am COMPLICIT regarding the problem. Sure, the movie paints 'big corporation' as evil (I don't subscribe to broad brush labeling), but it does drive home the fact that local farmers love their animals even though they know that the end result is that the animals they care for must serve as food. It's the process that should be indicted. I wish the movie would have delved a bit further into the many different, important topics it brings up, but, nonetheless, it educated me to a point that I went and purchased grilled 'chicken' from one of the companies spotlighted in the movie. As always, that's what I look for in a quality documentary.