I don't understand all the hate this episode has gotten, it's crazy. It's really not a bad episode. Maybe it's because I think people can use what ever accent they please, like maybe Mark Sheppard did so well with a Irish accent that they just wanted him for the part. I mean there a lot of actors who have used a different accent then what they are used to such as Mischa Barton in The OC, Hugh Jackman in the X-men franchise, Bridget Jones in Bridget Jones Diary trilogy, ectcetera, ectcetera. Anyways, Phoebe I have to admit I found to be a little annoying, but I loved that this was the first time we see Scully being jealous of another woman around Mulder. And we find out that Mulder has a fear of fire. But all in all, this episode really wasn't that bad. I've seen way worse.