Marvel One-Shot Item 47: Another passable Marvel One-Shot
4 August 2018
Lizzy Caplan and Jesse Bradford play a young couple who shortly after the attack on New York (Avengers 2012) come across an alien weapon. They proceed to use this to rob banks but Shield is on their tale.

Featuring a couple of semi-recurring characters from the television series Agents Of Shield (2013) this well cast little 8 minutes is fun enough but you need to go in remembering these things aren't exactly stories.

They are more like scenes ripped out of films, thankfully usually pretty passable ones.

The fact this fits in so well with the Marvel universes continuity really helps as does Caplan, Bradford and the two Shield agents.

Passable stuff that can be used as filler inbetween actual feature films.

The Good:

Great soundtrack

Lizzy Caplan

Agents Of Shield cast members

The Bad:

Really not much to it

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

An assistant who cannot make coffee should be fired on the spot

After last seeing Caplan in True Blood I almost didn't recognise her clothed
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