Secuestro (2016)
This Is An "OH S**T!" Movie
12 August 2018
This was a great movie.

We have a dishevelled, slightly bloody boy found walking a secluded road who, when taken to the hospital and questioned by both police and high priced attorney mom, states that he was kidnapped. A suspect is identified and question but with no incriminating evidence, is released only to be seen following mom and son the next day as well as a disturbance at their residence in the following days. When mom believes that the cops will not be able to manage the culprit, she takes matters into her own hands. Never a good idea, folks.

This movie has more than a couple of twists and I never saw a couple of them coming. That qualifies it as awesome in my opinion. It's not the same old story that is played out all the time. The only complaint I have is that I had to read subtitles and that's a pain but this movie is one of the reasons I watch foreign movies. Check it out. This one is worth it.
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