Kitchen Sink Comedy
15 August 2018
Billy Bevan is the janitor and general dogsbody at Andy Clyde's brokerage house, where everyone is in love with the boss' daughter, Natalie Kingston. Loan shark John A. Richardson wants to ruin Clyde so he can force him to have Natalie marry him. With the usual assortment of Sennett comics and three chases save the girl from this horrible fate and let her wed Billy? And which is worse?

It's pretty much a kitchen sink comedy, in which Sennett's staff started with the setting, ran a few gags around that, then had Edgar Kennedy attempt a robbery... and they still had less than a reel of material, so they had to add all sorts of subplots and gags, including two thrill sequences -- Andy hanging on a rope out a window and later being strangled by another rope attached to a car dangling off that cliff b the seaside they liked to dump them over. Plus a chase with autos, an daring airplane rescue.... you name it, they added it in. In the end, they got up to two reels and sent it out, but while there are plenty of gags that were well executed, it's such a hodge-podge affair that it's never more than watchable. Except for Miss Kingston, who is gorgeous.
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