Fray Bentos (2014)
Great and compelling short WW1 film!
29 June 2018
This is a little known bit of WW1 history and a well executed treatment by Tin Hat Productions (Callum and Andy Burn). Given their minuscule budget, they have created a technically accurate and believable film about the WW1 tank crew stranded in no-man's land in 1917.

Overall the acting is well done, the dialogue could be louder in sections and there lacks some explanation in certain sections (either through dialogue or visuals - e.g. how do they get shot inside the tank? I presume the armour wasn't very thick?). Overall this is a magnificent effort in the style of many of the 1940-50 great war movies.

The behind the scenes are worth watching afterwards to see how well they have crafted the set to develop a realistic tank interior completed with the claustrophobic heat and sounds.
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