Yet another slickly produced drama with all the same faces that appear in every other slickly produced drama made for British television.
This time it's John Simm who is stomping around shouting at people, demanding answers and breaking things when he doesn't get his own way. If professors act like this in real life, a university education may just not be worth it!
Some really nice Hong Kong scenery, is splashed across the screen but it's not enough to lift this alleged 'thriller' above any other of the numerous boring 'thrillers' that British TV keeps churning out.
Either the UK has only got about 30 working actors doing the whole of TV or there are more actors but their agents have wisely told them to steer clear of this cookie-cutter codswallop! I hope it's the latter!
Usually I get tricked into watching a TV serial because the first episode is really good. Bodyguard is a good example. But this one starts off slow and keeps up that pace for the entire hour.
(Also, has anyone else thought it odd how the scenes keep flitting between Kowloon side of the river and Hong Kong city)
This time it's John Simm who is stomping around shouting at people, demanding answers and breaking things when he doesn't get his own way. If professors act like this in real life, a university education may just not be worth it!
Some really nice Hong Kong scenery, is splashed across the screen but it's not enough to lift this alleged 'thriller' above any other of the numerous boring 'thrillers' that British TV keeps churning out.
Either the UK has only got about 30 working actors doing the whole of TV or there are more actors but their agents have wisely told them to steer clear of this cookie-cutter codswallop! I hope it's the latter!
Usually I get tricked into watching a TV serial because the first episode is really good. Bodyguard is a good example. But this one starts off slow and keeps up that pace for the entire hour.
(Also, has anyone else thought it odd how the scenes keep flitting between Kowloon side of the river and Hong Kong city)