It's not often that the child actors are better than the adults but this is one of those times. I wondered how the lead actor, playing the children's father had managed to get the role as he has all the screen presence of day old rice pudding. His monotone voice starts to grate after awhile and lack of any passion doesn't help. His IMDB trivia states at the age of ten he won the actor of the year in a class of forty adults. They must have been the worst actors in the history of the world then! But it all started to make sense when I noticed that his mother wrote the screenplay and his dad was one of the producers. Nepotism in films is still alive it seems.
As to the film itself, it's the old plot of the previous occupants haunting the house until the reason for it becomes clear and is resolved. Sadly, nothing we haven't seen many, many times before and done far better.
The ghosts are well done though and look quite creepy and their deaths are very gruesome. And if nothing else, they did very well on the estimated budget of only $30,000. Perhaps if they could have spent more on the story and the lead actors, it might have turned out far better than it did. Okay as a time passer but nothing more.