Review of Amy

Amy (II) (2013)
Amy: Yes, I'm being generous here
24 August 2018
Amy's cover is a bit deceptive and makes it look like something it really is, and by that I mean good.

Curiously written and directed by a Bollywood composer it tells the story of an outbreak of possessions in a small Amish community. Amy our titular character has the power to see those who are possessed and a "spider sense" to detect when they are close.

It presently stands with a 2.0 rating which for those who use IMDb will appreciate is incredibly low. Is it deserving of that? No, but not far off.

It looks the part but sadly when it comes to plot it struggles and the special effects are painful to endure. I could do better, no seriously I literally could.

The cast vary from passable to awful, Christopher Atkins taking the title of worst performer in this movie by a long margin.

The concept is actually sound, the writer just wasn't competent enough to actually do something with it.

The Good:

Script is decent in places

The Bad:

Christopher Atkins is just awful

Some dreadful sfx

Almost feels like religious propaganda in places, especially the end

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

Even movie writers contradict the bible freely when quoting it

After 2000 years of prayers failing to accomplish anything people still do it because reasons
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