Fast-moving Steele programmer. Then too, what other oater of that time or any time features a hog farm, "entomologists", and girls in wooden barrels. Okay, maybe it's not the best Steele entry, but it does have its points. Then again, maybe you can figure out the plot, something about bug fanciers and girl smugglers, but who cares. Good guys, bad guys, and a cute girl are enough for front-row geezers like me. Here it's the sweet-faced Harley Wood giving us a break from the ugly guys. There's lots of hard riding and flying fists, but little fast shooting but that's okay since nobody aims anyway. Then too the action never leaves LA's really un-scenic scrublands. But please, Mr. Producer, bring back Gabby Hayes or even Andy Devine because the comic relief is from a guy, Don Barclay, who's about as funny as a lump of coal that he somehow resembles. Now Steele may not be an iconic Wayne or Eastwood, but his small frame's about as energetic and convincing as the bigger guys. Too bad we don't get more of his hard-eyed stares here. I think he could go toe-to-toe with Eastwood in a steely stare down, any time. All in all, the hour's a decent programmer that has its oddities and never drags, so give it a try.