Getting back home after seeing an incredible live show by The League of Gentlemen, I felt like seeing a short and sweet Comedy title. Picking up the DVD a few years ago after hearing that this is shown on German TV every New Years Eve,I decided it was time to serve up dinner.
View on the film:
Keeping the sketch stage-bound, directors Heinz Dunkhase & Franco Marazzi do well at making the extensive use of wide-shots not become dull,thanks to panning the camera to follow each of James mishaps. Originally written in the 1920's, the script by Lauri Wylie impressively still feels like a relevant satire of British Costume Dramas,with James and Miss Sophie continuing to try and appear regal,even as James chugs down all the booze in sight. Originally turning down offers to play the part,Freddie Frinton finally saying yes led to a terrific duo performance between Frinton and May Warden's Miss Sophie,with Warden's supplying the dry,dead-pan wit to Frinton's multiple servings of physical comedy.
View on the film:
Keeping the sketch stage-bound, directors Heinz Dunkhase & Franco Marazzi do well at making the extensive use of wide-shots not become dull,thanks to panning the camera to follow each of James mishaps. Originally written in the 1920's, the script by Lauri Wylie impressively still feels like a relevant satire of British Costume Dramas,with James and Miss Sophie continuing to try and appear regal,even as James chugs down all the booze in sight. Originally turning down offers to play the part,Freddie Frinton finally saying yes led to a terrific duo performance between Frinton and May Warden's Miss Sophie,with Warden's supplying the dry,dead-pan wit to Frinton's multiple servings of physical comedy.