I kind of get that many here likes this, but on the other hand I don't.
I didn't feel the romance between McGregor and Seydoux at all (in other Doremus' movies it has been the opposite).
Also the scifi / AI aspect didn't offer anything we haven't seen in the past years and many of those other movies have done it with deeper results. Of course everyone has their own opinion, but I can't say with straight face that this one could compete with Ex Machina, Her, Westworld, Upgrade etc. on quality.
Then there are the songs, ok couple of them hits the spot, but mr. Doremus has the habit to put waaaay too many on his films, and often they can even ruin the mood. Editing also hurt the eyes few times.
All in all I think it's very average, I would rather watch Doremus' Equals, that made me feel at least something.