Review of Night Stand

Night Stand (1995–1999)
A spoof of trash TV.
6 November 2018
The 90's brought us a lot of good things and it also brought shows like "Jerry Springer" which is what "Night Stand" is all about making fun of. Whereas "Jerry Springer" was partially scripted and it was all a set-up, "Night Stand" was nothing but a scripted sit com done in the style of trash TV.

Every week the host, Dick Dietrick, or "Dickie" as he was known, would have some characters on the stage to reveal some shocking aspect of their lives to a friend, relative or co-worker, then there would be a surprise guest, a fight might break out and Dickie would give his closing statements on the whole thing.

But it was played straight and that was the genius of it. Dickie would say something innocent to the crowd that could be taken in a different way only to go, "noooo... not like that" when the hooting and hollering would start. Or he'd say when the surprise guest showed up, "oh! I hope there's not going to be a fight, " which invariably there always was.

It was a show that made fun of trash TV and what the TV landscape had become. Too bad it only lasted two seasons and this was before the Jerry Springer show actually came clean and admitted their show was a setup. I would have loved to see Dickie react to that.
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