This is a film that we all need to see.
12 November 2018
I strongly disagree with the review by "JustCuriosity", in fact--and with an abundant amount of concrete evidence--I believe this film depicts Nadia, the Yazidis immense struggle and how the international community failed the Yazidis very accurately. This film corroborates so much of what the global community and news media has already shared with the public, and shows the watching audience a side that was completely missed by them as well. The "JustCuriosity" reviewer missed the point of this film and didn't understand the undertones in which it conveyed to the audience: I do not want to spoil it for anyone but this isn't a fictional story so it's quite simply to research this topic before watching the film to get a picture of what is happening (and what happened) with the Yazidis genocide. Instead of listing all the evidence for this film's precise depiction I suggest you go and watch it and see for yourself. This is the best documentary I have ever seen. Period.
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