"The Curse of Sleeping Beauty" is a strange fantasy-horror film with an intriguing and promising beginning. The mystery is increased with the confused screenplay and holds the attention of the viewer. The beauty of India Eisley is perfect for the role of the Sleeping Beauty and another attraction. Out of the blue, the mystery is solved, evil is unleashed and the movie ends. Actually the movie stops without an ending. Maybe the intention of the writer would be a cliffhanger for a sequel, but unfortunately the film does not have an ending certainly disappointing the viewer that might be enjoying the story. Why didn´t Thomas uncle explain the whole situation of the curse of his family and the secrets of the mansion in the letter he left to his nephew? My vote is six.
Title (Brazil): "A Maldição da Bela Adormecida" ("The Curse of Sleeping Beauty")
Title (Brazil): "A Maldição da Bela Adormecida" ("The Curse of Sleeping Beauty")