Homecoming (1948)
It's the thing to do
2 December 2018
The main reason for me seeing 'Homecoming' was the cast, made up of many talented actors. Mervyn LeRoy was on the most part a more than competent director, especially love 'Waterloo Bridge', 'Gold Diggers of 1933' and most of all 'Random Harvest', and generally do like World War II films (despite traps of being melodramatic and heavy-handed and some have fallen into those traps.

While not being completely enamoured by it, do agree with those here that like 'Homecoming' and consider it better than give credit for. Despite its faults (from respectful personal opinion), 'Homecoming' is much better than the critical reception it got at the time, although a box office success some critics were apparently withering towards 'Homecoming'. Agree with a few of the criticisms but disagree with most.

Maybe 'Homecoming' does become melodramatic and heavy-handed in places. Maybe LeRoy's direction is not always as tight as it could have been, a few limp stretches here and there pace-wise but will not go as far to say it was long-winded.

Clark Gable's character for me was written too fuzzily at first and Gable didn't always look comfortable and perhaps on the smug side in the early stages of the film, which is more put down to the character writing rather than him as an actor (as an actor he was great).

On the other hand, 'Homecoming' is nicely shot and evocatively designed. Mostly the script is well-meaning and thought-provoking with some genuine pathos. LeRoy's direction may not be perfect but there are more than enough signs of his competence as a director. The story is on the most part sincere and moving, the subject handled with tact, and the war-oriented scenes wrenching the gut. Nothing feels tacked on and it doesn't ever have moments that feel like they belong somewhere else.

It's the cast that come off best here, with characters mostly worth rooting for. Gable's character does become more focused the more he's developed, which allows Gable to be more comfortable and he becomes very good and easier to like. Lana Turner brings class and poignancy to a less than glamorous but sympathetic role. The relationship between her and Gable has more complexity than one thinks and purposefully doesn't rush it, it is not rich in development but the development is there and done well. The support from Anne Baxter and Gladys Cooper is sharp and that for John Hodiak sympathetic.

Altogether, decent overlooked film. 7/10 Bethany Cox
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