Murphy Brown (1988–2018)
Same characters, not the same show
19 October 2018
Rating Murphy Brown wasn't easy because I would give the original show an 8 and the reboot a 2. I settled for a 5, right in the middle.

The old Murphy Brown, while Left in nature, was smart and funny enough not to insult me, a moderate Republican. Sure, there was good-natured ribbing of the Right, but it wasn't hate filled. Who wouldn't have laughed at Murphy's fight with Dan Quayle no matter which side of the aisle you sat? New Murphy Brown changed that and now only throws out hate toward the Right. The way it is done is insulting and humorless.

Adding Tyne Daly was a good move. Avery is a likable guy and had potential, but they are only using him as a way to put down the news channel liberals hate the most. Too bad they didn't make him a real Republican for a little balance and to really tick off and spar with Murphy.

The new show is a shadow of the original, and after this week's episode, I think it is time for me to say "goodbye" to these characters I used to enjoy enormously. I only stuck around this long because I wanted to see Jim Dial again. One final thought, it was kinda strange how the Miles/Corky marriage never happened.
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