This a great example of a film where everyone working to make tried so very hard to make it that they forgot to keep track of the pages of the script resulting in 1) Enormous plot holes, 2) opened story elements that are never closed or developed, and 3) cappers on story elements that never reached the final cut.
I will just address one fantastically annoying element in the story. In the first 5-7 minutes of one of the key characters of the film, and I will pause there to say it is a KEY character to the resolution of the film, the audience learns that this character had entered a wager wherein he can only speak in movie quotes. I was initially intrigued by this gambit and hoped to enjoy a crafty usage of movie quotes, this character works in a video rental store, a seeming reference to Q. Tarantino. So what happens? If you have read this far into the review you have already read more words than the character, a key character says during the wager period. That's right, a Key character rendered mute for 90% of the film.
Watch this only if you enjoy keeping a mental checklist of how you, as casual film viewer, could easily fix all of the drastically obvious problems of this film. Or simply watch this film so that in the future you can appreciative by constrast how good films are good without drawing attention to themselves doing those simple things that make them good. In that respect film students could use it to demonstrate how they have learned story and character development.
My best example would be how it feels after attending a music recital performed by amateurs who had only spent the last twenty-four hours composing their performance, with the almost unnoticed, effortless, music playing in the elevator on the way to your car.
Its a mess don't watch if you are someone who has to know how a movie ends, few will ever make it to the end of this movie.
I will just address one fantastically annoying element in the story. In the first 5-7 minutes of one of the key characters of the film, and I will pause there to say it is a KEY character to the resolution of the film, the audience learns that this character had entered a wager wherein he can only speak in movie quotes. I was initially intrigued by this gambit and hoped to enjoy a crafty usage of movie quotes, this character works in a video rental store, a seeming reference to Q. Tarantino. So what happens? If you have read this far into the review you have already read more words than the character, a key character says during the wager period. That's right, a Key character rendered mute for 90% of the film.
Watch this only if you enjoy keeping a mental checklist of how you, as casual film viewer, could easily fix all of the drastically obvious problems of this film. Or simply watch this film so that in the future you can appreciative by constrast how good films are good without drawing attention to themselves doing those simple things that make them good. In that respect film students could use it to demonstrate how they have learned story and character development.
My best example would be how it feels after attending a music recital performed by amateurs who had only spent the last twenty-four hours composing their performance, with the almost unnoticed, effortless, music playing in the elevator on the way to your car.
Its a mess don't watch if you are someone who has to know how a movie ends, few will ever make it to the end of this movie.