Klown Forever (2015)
Worse than the first movie...
25 December 2018
Well, as one not being overly impressed with the first "Klovn: The Movie", and not being an avid fan of the TV series either, then I didn't have much of any expectations to this movie sequel.

So why did I watch it? Well, solely because it was readily available on Netflix, and I hadn't already seen it. So why not watch it? Sometimes you happen to stumble upon hidden treasures when you embark on a journey with something you would otherwise just stay well clear of. Well, this was no hidden treasure...

In fact, "Klovn Forever" was even more disappointing than the preceding movie, which meant that this second movie strayed even further away from the TV series. Which, ultimately lead to a more boring and uneventful story.

Sure, the storyline in "Klovn Forever" dealt with a more mature concept and definitely had more character growth for Casper and Frank on the screen than the previous movie, but the movie was just generally devoid of laughs and funny moments. I actually think I only laughed a single time throughout the ordeal that is "Klovn Forever".

The acting in the movie was good, and they managed to get some fairly interesting appearances from other Danish stars as well as some American ones too.

Would I recommend that you take the time to watch "Klovn Forever"? No. Definitely not. Not unless you are an avid fan of the TV series, or a fan of either or both Casper Christensen and/or Frank Hvam.
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