Alita, best film since Blade Runner 2049
14 February 2019
"I WILL NOT STAND BY IN THE PRESENCE OF EVIL", an inspiring line spoken by the protagonist in Alita: Battle Angel when facing an indomitable and frightening villain got me thinking that I will not stand by in the presence of clueless movie critics giving lukewarm reviews to this excellent movie. Hence my motivation in writing this review to a film that I consider a great visionary triumph with such groundbreaking special effects not experienced since Avatar and a world-building as dazzling as last year's critically acclaimed Blade Runner 2049.

Based on the manga by Kishiro, the creative combo of Rodriguez and Cameron have created a world so technically stunning and cinematically immersive that it stirred and delighted my soul during the whole movie.

At its heart, Alita is a tantalizing adventure about teenage self discovery and self fulfillment, although disguised by the plot which stated the protagonist as a 300 year-old alien berserker. The story combines science fiction with martial arts in a dystopian future. The fight scenes are as well choreographed as say The Matrix but avoid over indulging in extended and repetitive fight sequences. There's a lot of exposition fitted into a 2-hour movie, hence some scenes seemed to be truncated in order for the story to advance accordingly.

That said, the plot has familiar elements made new but in more interesting ways. Elements of a world constantly being monitored borrow heavily from The Hunger Games, with the adrenaline infusing Motorball acting as "the game". The action scenes are thrilling, at times violent but as explained earlier, never over indulges. And when such scenes are short, I found myself wanting for more, hence repeat viewing ensues.

The film ends with somewhat of a cliffhanger, with fanboys like me hoping against pessimistic box office forecast that this movie will make enough money to warrant 2 more sequels to complete the overarching story of one of the most interesting female characters in one of the most visually arresting, imaginative and energetic science fiction movies of all time.

Go watch Alita: Battle Angel. Highly recommended.
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