Review of Fire

The X Files: Fire (1993)
Season 1, Episode 12
Subpar episode just never catches fire
15 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Monster of the week episode that is only worth watching for the scenes where Scully's jealousy is evident. Opinions vary about the Phoebe Green character but as far as I'm concerned there is zero chemistry between her and Mulder. Mulder's fear of fire just seems contrived for this episode as other reviewers have commented, and in general Duchovny seems lost in a number of scenes which I blame on bad writing rather than the actor. Scully has the idea of running background checks on employees of the arson victims, as Scotland Yard apparently did not think of doing. The monster of the week, who appears to start fires with mental power, just is not very interesting which again I blame on the writing, not the actor. The whole thing just doesn't hang together. Not worth seeing twice.
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