One might see Siebzehn (17) as an Austrian version of Dazed and Confused with an emphasis on sexuality identity and the achieving and not always achieving of one's desires. It's interesting that the film appears mainly set in a regional setting, rather than one of the bigger cities. It does however contain many of the familiar tropes from teenage films (drugs, bullies, three-sided relationships, school competitions, dance/concerts, fights and barely an "adult" to be seen. Even the 2 teachers who have some involvement in the narrative, only appear to be in their twenties.) The film is anchored by a fine central performance from Elisabeth Wabitsch as Paula. I wish I could say the same about all the other supporting roles, but in all honesty, some were fairly amateurish. Being a teenage film too, be prepared to watch a lot of the characters lie around various rooms texting away on their phones. Yes, it's reality I guess, but doesn't always make riveting viewing. It's fair to say too, that many may find the conclusion somewhat anti-climactic.