The plain white rice and weak tea version of a martial arts movie
3 March 2019
This movie has many titles and spelling errors too. There is also confusion over the release date of 1970 or 1971. I will write about the first 30 minutes or so of the movie so you can verify we have the same movie. It starts in a cave. The master gives our girl a bamboo pole with many magical properties and sends her off on an adventure. She is soon surrounded by people who can fly. Though blind, she has a superhuman ability to hear things around her in extraordinary detail. A fight starts and she defeats her attackers using a sword hidden inside her bamboo cane. Further down the road the same situation repeats. This time, Chiang Nan as Sun Min joins her and they go to his parent's house. There a third fight breaks out. Ten minutes into this movie there have been three fights and yet hardly any fighting is actually shown. The shots are too close, the edits and cuts are too fast, or as in the third fight, everything is too distant. Our girl and the mother talk and there is a flashback about how she became blind while her family was being slaughtered. Next scene is at a tea house. She orders, then a gang comes in and they fight. She ends up talking to the leader and then goes to the desert for a fight. The fight at the desert is at least watchable unlike the others. Our girl uses a cane sword inside a bamboo scabbard. The blade points down in a defensive position. Overall the fight is passably good for 1970 standards. She takes two heads in for her reward. They try to cheat her on the reward and there is another fight, this one is the best so far. Finally, a horse delivers a dead man with a note. My copy is VHS quality for video. The picture is stretched to fit a wide screen television but the sides have been cropped. This also crops off part of the subtitles. The subtitles are dual with Chinese on top of English. Problem is there are Korean subtitles superimposed on those two lines of subtitles. It was so hard to read the English subtitles that 30 minutes into the movie I had no better idea about what was going on. But also by then our girl's fighting improved to the point where it was watchable so I hung in there. Overall, for fans of martial arts movies from the golden age 1967 to 1984 this is your totally average, meat and potatoes, bread and butter, plain white rice type of movie that will take 90 minutes of nothing special out of your day and leave you hungry for another one in about two hours.
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