Only watch this movie if you like seeing people mentally and physically being tortured! This is not child play, footage! Because it is filmed in sort of cam format you'll experience their feelings only better, I do really wish I had not seen this. This is not what i wanted too see. If u want a movie about hacking, go watch something like: 'Who am I'.
(more titles incoming, i am watching about 10 more movies that are bout hacking. Only saw two at this moment).
If then you do want a good hacker movie with a little bit of horror and excitement, go watch: "I.T. (2016)" (IMDB does not rate this as horror, while some other sites do). I don't think its Horror, but it could have been. Much more fun to watch.
about Hacked: This movie should be rated horror at the top and not just documentary, please!
about Hacked: This movie should be rated horror at the top and not just documentary, please!