Valley of the Boom (2019– )
Don't believe the naysayers
24 January 2019
This is a GREAT and really informative show about the tech boom and how all sorts of people came out of the woodwork to take advantage. I am not sure how anyone could watch this and not be entertained by the sheer ridiculousness of some of the things people did. I get that it is a docudrama and, therefore, some of the facts are embellished, but that can't possibly make this a one star series. Strange that the ratings are near a 7 overall but the only people who have posted written reviews have it at a 1 or 2. To me that suggests there are a few haters out there who didn't get what they wanted out of this show and they are dragging down the rating without giving it a real chance. This is an excellent series that has been getting better with each episode. The Michael Fenne story is so ridiculous and hilarious that it is worth watching just to see that part alone.
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