Sometimes interesting Korean comedy-drama
10 February 2019
Korean movies often take a genre and put their own unique twists to it. However, "Mr. Housewife" goes more for a conventional formula that wouldn't be out of place in a Hollywood movie. Actually, that's not necessarily a bad thing as long as the formula is executed well enough, and I think in this case it is. It is by no means a perfect movie. With it following a formula, it's pretty predictable in its plot turns, and it stretches out the formula for a longer time than it should. Also, the humor for the most part isn't of a laugh-out-loud funny manner. But the humor does provoke a lot of smiles all the same. And it's pretty interesting to see how male and female roles in Korea society are depicted and what Korean society's expectations are for people. This Is not a movie that I am going to remember for a long time after watching it - it's kind of fluff - but it is pleasing enough for the 107 or so minutes it takes to unfold, and you'll be in an upbeat mood once the end credits start to roll.
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